Church Calendar

Overflow is Open!
Sundays at 9:45 am
Come grab a cup of coffee! 
Overflow is for everyone- parents dropping off kids in Children’s Church, going between services, or on the way to Sunday School. The coffee is hot and the conversation flows freely.
We look forward to serving you soon!
Weekly UMM Men’s Breakfast Club
All men are welcome to attend
No prior reservation or invitation needed
7am each Saturday
Family Life Center/ Gym
Please join us for Fellowship, Food and Fun!
Beginning on September 20th
3rd Friday of Each Month
11:00-1:30 (approximately) in the FLC/Gym
If you have any questions, please contact
Judy Orrange at:
Thursday Morning Koinonia Bible Study – which stands for a Jesus crafted fellowship under an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Meets every Thursday morning at 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall.
A new study will be starting up in October.
We will be studying the book ELIJAH – FIRE and SPIRIT by Priscilla Shirer.
Everyone is welcome.
Come and be a part of our fellowship.
Books are available on Amazon or
Call Ginger Atwell with questions. 843-693-0859.
Kairos Men’s Mission
October 1-4, 2024

Donations Needed:
Store Bought Cookies (No fruit or nuts)
Monetary (make check out to Kairos of SC)
All Donations Needed by Sept 29
Kairos Women’s Mission
October 25 – 27, 2024

Donations Needed:
Store Bought Cookies (NO fruit or nuts)
Meal Ticket (purchase in name of resident)
Monetary (make check out to Kairos of SC)
Need donations by October 20, 2024
Mens BBQ
October 12th, 11am
Family Life Center/Gym
Blessing of the Pets
October 12th, 11am
KMC Parking Lot
Zoom Prayer Class
Everything you wanted to know about prayer and more!
Tuesdays October 22nd & 29th and November 5th AND 12th
10:00 AM
Contact Pam Hoard to confirm your attendance and provide your email address
843-367-6574 or
Trunk or Treat
October 27th 5-7pm
KMC Parking Lot
Event is FREE for the entire community!
We do request that you consider bringing a small donation of
1 can per person for our community food pantry